brioche au beurre

Leggi In Italiano

But how romantic is  to say “Brioche au beurre” instead of butter brioche”? In my opinion a lot , and since where there is butter I see romance, then i want to use French, although, I must be honest ,I have never studied and learned it (has the time come once and for all to the sound of croissants and croissants? I would say yes!).

Well, after this prelude, I would like to emphasize that in this mixture we will not have any water roux (luckily, you say!), But we will get a result that will make our taste buds vibrate in an absurd way and above all, we will get such a soft result mouth watering.

The fundamental reason is that, there is no water roux, but this dough will be divided into three mini doughs that will bind together to give the right consistency.

There will be a pre-ferment, then a dough that I will call “egg mix” and at the end a dough that will be the final one.

The flours to be used are important in this case and the butter will also be important: we will use medium-strong flours to process the various doughs in a suitable way for several minutes and the butter must have at least 82% of fat, preferably butter of centrifuge.

Don’t be frightened, it’s nothing impossible to achieve, but you have to keep small things in mind:

– always work the dough at a temperature not exceeding 26 degrees

– gradually add both the egg mix and the final butter (better always on several occasions, so as not to break the glutinic mesh). If you were to break the glutinic mesh, it would be difficult to string everything well. Then proceed step by step, do not rush to close the dough.

– close the dough if possible at a temperature of 26/27 degrees (if you can, measure the temperature of your dough)

The recipe was sweetly given to me by Leannah of Bellartisanbaking and slightly modified according to my rising times and taste needs.

Good fun!

(Doses for one medium brioche or two small brioches)


  • 100 g of type 1 flour (I used Miracolo Molino Grassi)
  • 50 g of water
  • 50 g of refreshed and active sourdough

In the mixer, mix the flour until it forms a compact and smooth dough. Leave to rise for about 5 hours at room temperature or until it has well doubled in volume.

Egg mix:

  • 3 large eggs
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of squeezed lemon + grated lemon zest
  • 10 g of orange paste
  • 20 ml of limoncello
  • 200 g Manitoba flour
  • 7 g of salt

Beat the eggs, sugar, lemon zest, lemon extract, orange paste and limoncello, salt and Manitoba flour in a smooth paste. Set aside for at least half an hour, covered with plastic wrap.

Final mix:

  • “Egg mix”
  • 200 g of pre-ferment
  • 200 g of flour 0 Molino Grassi
  • 100 g (approximately) of milk
  • 150 g of ointment butter

Mix the flour 0, the milk, using all the milk until a smooth and homogeneous mixture is obtained. Set this mixture aside for 15/20 minutes. Add the pre-ferment to the dough with milk and flour. String and set aside for 15/20 minutes.

After the right rest time, add the egg mix to the dough, a little at a time, several times (I added it three times). Don’t be afraid if your dough will “untie”, be patient and bring the dough back to the string.

When it is completely strung again and the dough will detach completely from the bowl, using the fraisage * incorporate the butter into the dough, a little at a time, always in three stages.

* The method of fraisage (a technique well illustrated by the great French chef Escoffier) ​​consists in working the various ingredients very quickly, in order not to heat the dough, crushing the pasta under the palm of the hand into small portions pushing them forward. In practice, once a first uneven dough is formed, on a well floured board, pull part of the dough away from you (about 10-15 cm) with the heel of your hand, pressing it on the pastry board.
This movement guarantees complete homogeneity between the ingredients (in particular between flour and fat) and makes the pasta smooth.

In the end you will get a particularly soft and shiny dough.

At this point, apply some French creases, to increase the strength in the dough, which will be very soft and not very firm. Let the dough rest for an hour in a bowl.

After letting the dough rest, spread it on a well floured surface.

Divide and shape as desired (traditional brioche à tête could be difficult to form with this soft dough, so I recommend proceeding with the formation of a normal Pan Brioche or Hokkaido bread, to simplify things).

Put in the appropriate baking mold covered with butter and flour or covered with a piece of baking paper and cover slightly with cling film, not sealed because when it grows, the dough will need to move freely and not be crushed.

Leave to rise for about 5 hours, or at least until the dough is doubled.

Now the brioche will be ready for cooking. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees about 30 ‘before baking.

With a kitchen brush, brush the surface of the brioche with egg yolk mixed with milk, before baking everything.

Cook the brioche for 30 minutes (or until a threaded skewer comes out clean). If the top crust becomes too brown, cover with aluminum foil for the rest of the cooking time.

Let it cool for at least half an hour and enjoy it lukewarm or cold, with jam!


2 commenti

    1. Author

      Ciao Eriiii,
      che bello, un altra pagina aggiunta al mio “libro immaginario”, chissà… un giorno magari!

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