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Yes, I know very well that it is spelled ALL SEMOLINA, but I really like that these two words are so close that they touch each other and become a single name: the one I have been looking for over the past few months.

Semolina bread has always been my obsession. The reason is that I’m from Puglia and therefore I could not fail in this mission ( semolina bred is one of the tipical bread of this place of Italy). This type of bread to literally drive me crazy and bring back to me deep memories, I managed to find, with no little effort, the recipe that most satisfied my palate and that of my wife Claudiu (so demanding by nature hahhha).

The task, I must be honest, to obtain a bread that was soft, “open” as I wanted, that would last a long time and that had the right flavor of the past, was not easy.

Processing semolina bread, as many of you know, is not such a simple undertaking and success is not immediate. I tried about 3/4 types of dough before this, but none of them could satisfy me.

I didn’t want to compromise: I didn’t want to mix the semolina with other flours to have a more honeycombed bread. I wanted to work in purity (ah, how much I like this term!) This, however, involved a study of the level of stringing that must not be absolutely translated. You don’t have to work the dough very little, but not too little. In short, it made me suffer a lot!

Attention, I don’t want to frighten you, but make you understand that, behind the success of a dough, there are factors that should not be underestimated.

I did well not to give up and to churn out up to 3 doughs in one day, changing hydrations, autolysis times, spot and ripening times.

The result is this that you see in the picture and the recipe I bring it below with immense pleasure! I wait to know what you think, a warm hug.

Dough characteristics:

  •  80% hydratation (not considering the percentage of water contained in the licoli)

Rising characteristic:

  • 9-hour overnight in the fridge


  • 50 g liquid mother yeast starter + 50 g water + 50 g TYPE 1 flour


  • 500 g of semolina
  • 80 g mature and active liquid sourdough (licoli) *
  • 400 g of water
  • 10 g of salt

* for anyone who has just started their licoli, I recommend using 90 g, because it will certainly be weaker than mine, which in this period is slightly exuberant!

Preparation for step

Refreshment of Sourdough

Mix all the ingredients listed in the liquid yeast composition above, in a jar and keep a warm place for 3 to 4 hours at 25-26 ° C. This will depend on the strength of your yeast and how you usually “take care” of it. The yeast will have to double in about 3 hours if it is strong.

3-hour autolysis

For autolysis, we combined all the water and semolina. We left the dough in autolysis * for 3 hours.

Using your hands, or a planetary mixer, mix the ingredients until there are no dry residues of flour left. Cover and keep somewhere at room temperature until the time to start the dough: estimated time three hours.

* The autolysis technique was born basically for these reasons: to facilitate the absorption of water, the development of the structure, the scents and the shelf-life, as well as reducing the final processing times. It is particularly useful when using very resistant flours, with a high P / L (ratio between toughness and extensibility, a rheological characteristic of the flour indicated by the belonging mill), or with durum wheat, with a much more “closed” gluten and slower and gradual absorption; in this case, in fact, it makes the glutinic mesh softer.


Begin to mix everything, adding the licoli, until you have an almost totally strung dough. Add the salt. The salt will have to be inserted when we begin to see that our dough “pulls”, that is, it starts to string, but it is not completely ready. Stir everything until it comes together in a homogeneous mass, but still full of wrinkles. Work for 2-3 minutes. Then, turn the bowl over on the work surface and proceed with a type of dough called “slap and fold”. Work it like this until it has a smooth and homogeneous appearance and until it detaches completely from the surface. Based on how you will feel the dough, you will decide whether to knead it again or not. Alternatively, the first few times, you can keep the dough in the bowl and do a series of stretches and folds towards the center, with one hand while you rotate the bowl. Do this for about 4 minutes (it all depends on the strength with which you work the dough, so this is subjective. It is important, for this reason, to know how to “feel” the stringing of the dough). At the end of this process, your dough should be more toned.


Let the dough rest in a bowl for half an hour. Take the dough again and start with the spot-welding and folds phase.

Spot welding and creases 2 hours (of which 1 hour and a half + half an hour rest)

Proceed with the spot-welding and every 30 minutes give a round of stretch & fold folds to your dough. After the last fold, rest the dough for half an hour. After half an hour, make a slight preform and after half an hour, continue with the actual forming.

Forming + Leavening and aging in the fridge overnight 9 hours

Proceed giving tension to the dough which otherwise will lose most of its tension during the night. We put in the leavening basket and put in the fridge for 9 hours at a temperature of 9-10 °. If you have a fridge that has lower temperatures, lengthen the ripening times in the fridge. Look at the dough and see the signs of fermentation.


(I cooked in a pot, then pre-heat the pot at least 40 minutes before)
The next day, preheat the oven to 250 ° C for 1 hour.

Pour the dough on parchment paper and using a straight cut razor blade, give a clean cut to the bread.

Bake for 60 minutes: the first 30 minutes with a lid at 250 degrees, the remaining time without a lid at 200 degrees.

14 commenti

  1. Ciao! Posso chiederti il diametro della pentola in cui cuoci un pane di questa dimensione? Ne ho una ma forse è troppo piccola! Grazie mille, Valentina

  2. Ciao Lucia, come stai? Vorrei tanto cimentarmi in questo pane! Un paio di domande.
    Non si fa la laminazione prima delle pieghe?
    È possibile che io abbia visto da qualche parte usare acqua calda, non so se autolisi o tangzhong, ho questa immagine in mente ma non riesco a risalire alla ricetta…
    Grazie mille!

  3. ciao, è possibile sostituire il licoli con il poolish?

    1. Author

      si, bisogna solo rivedere leggermente le tempistiche che saranno più brevi , dato l’utilizzo del lievito di birra.
      Buona panificazione!

  4. Che meraviglia! L’ho provato qualche giorno fa ma come dici tu, ancora devo fare altri tentativi 😉 l’impasto rimaneva poco strutturato e perdeva la forma (provo magari a lavorarlo di più?). Per quanto tempo si può tenere in frigo a maturare? Vorrei riuscire a provarlo di nuovo ma devo incastrare la preparazione con il lavoro!
    Grazie mille!

    1. Author

      Ciao Arianna ,
      più che lavorarlo di più magari devi lavorarlo meno! Non so bene quanto tu lo abbia lavorato ma non vorrei che tu abbia rotto la maglia glutinica formatasi durante le ore di autolisi!
      Un abbraccio,

  5. Ciao!
    Sono una super principiante, fino ad ora ho panificato solo una volta e sorprendentemente con un buon risultato.
    Curiosissima per questa ricetta vorrei provare a farla…
    Avrei due domande: non avendo un cesto per la panificazione come posso sostituirlo? E’ possibile cuocerlo senza pentola?

    Grazie mille 🙂

    1. Author

      Ciao Sara ,
      il cestino di lievitazione puoi sostituirlo con una ciotola con un canovaccio ben infarinato , non sarà la stessa cosa di un cestino di panificazione ma , come si dice, ” di necessità , virtù”!
      Puoi cuocere senza pentola , su una teglia con carta forno. Metti sempre un pentolino di acqua bollente nel forno per i primi 30 minuti di cottura!
      A presto

  6. Ciao Lucia prima di provare vorrei sapere come sostituisco il licoli con pasta madre solida che è l unica che ho e poi, dall última esperienza di pane di semola in purezza è venuta fuori una focaccia, quindi per non incorrere in un altro fallimento puoi suggerire una semola pugliese buona considerando che il fallimento è stato attribuito alla semola che non reggeva l idratazione… Grazie

    1. Author

      Ciao Chiara,
      la panificazione con la semola non è semplice , ma bisogna tentare e sbagliare per capire dagli errori! Quindi, permettiti di sbagliare e risbagliare , non è un fallimento, anzi!
      Per quanto riguarda la “conversione” lievito madre liquido – lievito madre solido, io solitamente utilizzo del solido la metà delle dosi del liquido ( considerando che il mio è bello arzillo, ogni lievito madre ha un comportamento a se!).
      Per quanto riguarda la semola , io utilizzo quella di Molino grassi , come qualsiasi altra farina che utilizzo per le mie ricette 🙂
      Buona serata,e buona sperimentazione!

    1. Author

      sono curiosa di vedere la riuscita!
      Ti abbraccio

  7. È stupendo!!!!!
    Tu sai che lo proverò! 💙
    Generosa, tanto! … come sempre…

    1. Author

      Ciao cara Erika ,
      e pensare che mi sono trattenuta nello scrivere il post : come sai avrei abbondato ancora di più, ma ho scelto l’essenziale!
      Grazie sempre di cuore, aspetto la tua pagnotta!
      Con affetto

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