Panettone with chocolate and candied orange, by Ezio Marinato

Leggi In Italiano

Every year, when we decide to put our hands in the dough for the production of panettone, I automatically ask myself why we do it.

Complacency? Fun? Passion? Love?

I don’t know, I don’t think that among the best reasons there are these, or at least not only these. If it is true that deciding to do your utmost to make panettone can be an act of passion and great love, it is also true that a slight sense of satisfaction and pure pride also plays in the production of panettone (come on, admit that you are not doing it only for others, we’re not Santa Maria Goretti, are we? hahah).

But this is not the point, it is not to understand why it is done, but the point is to understand how you get to approach one of the most difficult preparations for the world of bread-making and great leavened products.

I must admit that, when we started this path, almost 4 years ago today, it was not very clear what the difficulty of such preparation was. It seems logical and more than normal to me, since I had never, and I mean never, had to deal with a product like this!

But let’s get to the point. We began to approach the world of bread making and only later to the great leavened products (remember to proceed step by step!) And the first course that allowed us to grow in this sense was a course with Maestro Ezio Marinato.

Anyone who has had the pleasure of participating in one of his courses knows what it means to do a course with him, which is more psychotherapy than a panettone course hahaha.

Perhaps it was this aspect that captivated me from this world: the fact that there is a strong psychological component behind the approach to leavened products.

In any case, in this recipe I do not want to give you any premise, but I just want to tell you that it is an average recipe that is easy to make. With a medium fat component, this makes the process of inserting and final stringing easier on average. So I tell you just TRY IT.

Why do I tell you medium easy and not easy? Only because the panettone production process requires special precautions that are partly due to experience and partly to compliance with the timing and temperature of the dough. If this happens to you, then to overheat the dough above 26 °, remove everything, put it in the fridge for 15 minutes and wait for it to cool. Don’t rush and take a deep breath. Do not panic because, as I always tell you, “the dough feels it if you are agitated” 🙂

I’ll stop with the rant and leave you the recipe for the panettone.

Ah, this recipe was born with the combination of PEARS AND CHOCOLATE, one of Ezio Marinato’s musts, we have chosen the variants we love the most, the simplest ones: ORANGE AND CHOCOLATE and RAISINS AND CANDIEDS!

Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!



(doses for 1 panettone of 1kg)

For the evening dough

Molino Grassi Panettone flour 133 g (you can use a very strong flour, just check were you live if you find something similar)
water 66.7 g
sourdough g 40 *
cane sugar 46.7 g
yolk 33.3 g
butter 50 g

For the morning dough

Molino Grassi Panettone flour g 73.3
malt g 1.7
powdered milk g 6.7
sugar 66.7 g

egg yolk 73.3 g
salt g 4
butter g 100
honey g 17
1/2 vanilla bean
orange paste 13.3 g
candied orange 266.7 g
chocolate drops 66.7 g

* The sourdough must be at the third daily refreshment. This means that, by calculating the necessary hours, you will start from the morning and every 3.5 hours, you will refresh your yeast, until the third refreshment that will allow you to have a ripe sourdough, ready for your panettone.



Make a syrup with sugar and water, pour into the machine and add flour, sourdough and egg yolks in several stages until they are fully incorporated and the dough is well strung.

When the dough is strung, add the butter several times.

Leave to rise in a container at 24 ° C for about 12 hours, in any case until the initial volume has tripled.



In the mixer, work the evening dough, flour, milk powder and malt, start kneading and stringing the dough, then add the egg yolks and sugar alternately.

Allow to absorb, then add the salt, orange paste and vanilla.

Add the honey slowly and let the dough dry well, which must be completely strung. At this point, stir in the butter a little at a time. Add the candied orange and the chocolate chips. Place the dough on the table for 30 minutes, break the desired weight according to the paper cups (calculate 10% more dough than the weight of the  paper cup. Ex: 1 kg cup: 1,100 kg dough)

Place the dough in a container and let it rise at 30 ° for 1 hour.

When 1 hour has passed, form the panettone, let it rise at 30 ° C for about 5-6 hours and in any case until the dough has reached the edge of the paper cup. If you like, glaze with an almond glaze and whole almonds (optional).

Bake in a static oven at 165/170° Celsius.

For 500gr panettone, bake for 35 min, for 750gr 40 min. , for 1kg about 55-60 min or in any case up to 94 ° C at the core.

Once cooked, run through with the appropriate irons and turn it upside down for at least 10 hours.

3 commenti

  1. Buongiorno 🙂

    Desideravo un’ informazione in merito al lievito madre previsto dalla ricetta ( 40 gr) *
    Intendete LICOLI O PASTA MADRE SOLIDA? Io utilizzo LICOLI, in caso si trattasse di pasta madre, potreste dirmi quanto licoli utilizzare?

    Grazie se potrete precisarmi quest’ aspetto! Volevo sperimentare, ma vorrei esser certa prima di iniziare!

    Un caro saluto a voi e complimenti per il vostro sito e pagina instagram, vi seguo da diverso tempo!


  2. Cara Frollemente
    Stesso percorso… il pane e poi, poi, poi…. i grandi lievitati!
    Imparati con te, un metodo, una passione, forse come dici tu un po’ terapia…
    Proverò questo panettone.
    Le pere secche????
    Grazie 😊😘

    1. Eh già, mia cara Erika! Averti trovata e poi essere diventate aiche è stata una delle cose migliori di questo 2020, lo sai no? te lo dico sempre!
      Comunque non pere secche, ma pere candite 🙂
      Baci Lucia

  3. Cara Frollemente
    Stesso percorso… il pane e poi, poi, poi…. i grandi lievitati!
    Imparati con te, un metodo, una passione, forse come dici tu un po’ terapia…
    Proverò questo panettone.
    Le pere secche????
    Grazie 😊😘

    1. Author

      Eh già, mia cara Erika! Averti trovata e poi essere diventate aiche è stata una delle cose migliori di questo 2020, lo sai no? te lo dico sempre!
      Comunque non pere secche, ma pere candite 🙂
      Baci Lucia

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