The speeches on bread are the ones I like most. Perhaps because they describe me, because they are the means to say what I am not saying out of fear of offending and hurting, perhaps out of fear of misunderstanding, or who knows what other reason.
The speeches on bread allow me to give voice to a philosophy of life that nestles between a leavening and another, between waiting and satisfaction, between disappointment and wanting to start over.
Many, in this period, have rediscovered the beauty of handling a dough and I am happy for this, so much that I want to make my contribution, spending hours of my day with new “virtual friends” who want to put their hands with me in the flour, through the ONLINE BAKING WORKSHOPS
But I hope, in the deep corner of my heart, that all this emphasis on the self-production of bread may not end with this quarantine.
It is my desire, because I think that partly, the baking, has marked the time of our days which, although so strange, have regained a profound value. It is reminding us of what we are capable of creating and shaping.
I have a small fear, perhaps unfounded: that the tran tran of life will overwhelm us and will divert us from this desire to take care of your time. Because we talk about this when we make bread: time, patience and humility towards such a complex art.
And then I make a small appeal:
I wish each of you was so strong and that my words could have come so deep that they created a change in you.
Before I taught a method of baking (the one that is most congenial to me), I wish that I managed to give you the good time we all needed.
What we are receiving is a gift: it is what was slowly slipping away and we were forgetting. The importance of caring for the fragility of our person through simple and manual gestures.
The “lightness”, pass me the term, of a manual art is actually so profound and mystical, that it cures heart and mind.
Take care of it and keep what you have learned.
Dough characteristics:
hydration 70% (not considering the percentage of water contained in the licoli)
Rising characteristic:
in the fridge for 12 Overnight + 8 hours in the fridge next day + 3 hours out of the fridge
50 g liquid mother yeast starter + 50 g water + 50 g TYPE 1 flour
- 300 g type 1 flour W320
- 200 g wholemeal spelled flour
- 75 g mature and active liquid mother yeast (licoli)
- 350 g of water
- 12 g of salt
- 20 g barley malt *
* Barley malt is a sweetener of natural origin that is obtained by maceration and subsequent germination of the homonymous cereal. Barley is a cereal belonging to the Graminacee family, from its processing a very sugary product is obtained, which can also be used to sweeten drinks and sweets. Malt can also be obtained from other cereals such as corn, wheat or rice.
The brown color of the mixture is favored both by the presence of barley malt and by the multiple enzymatic processes that are activated during the maturation in the fridge for almost 20 hours.
Preparation for step
Refreshment of yeast
Mix all the ingredients listed in the liquid yeast composition above in a jar and keep a warm place for 3 to 3.5 hours at 25-26 ° C. This will depend on the strength of your yeast and how you usually “look after” it. The yeast will have to double in about 3 hours if it is strong.
For autolysis, this time, we combined water, flour and yeast. You can choose whether to do autolysis only with water and flour, or even with yeast. This recipe also involves the use of yeast.
Using your hands, or a planetary mixer, mix the ingredients until there are no dry residues of flour left. Cover and keep somewhere at room temperature until ready to start the dough for an hour.
Begin to mix everything until you have an almost totally strung dough. Add the barley malt and work 2 minutes. Add the salt. The salt will have to be inserted when we begin to see that our dough “pulls”, that is, it starts to string, but it is not completely ready. Stir everything until it comes together in a homogeneous mass, but still full of wrinkles. Work for 2-3 minutes. Then, turn the bowl over on the work surface and proceed with a type of dough called “slap and fold”. Work it like this until it has a smooth and homogeneous appearance and until it detaches completely from the surface. Based on how you will feel the dough, you will decide whether to knead it again or not. Alternatively, the first few times, you can keep the dough in the bowl and do a series of stretches and folds towards the center, with one hand while you rotate the bowl. Do this for about 7 minutes (it all depends on the strength with which you work the dough, so this is subjective. It is important, for this reason, to know how to “feel” the stringing of the dough). At the end of this process, your dough should be more toned.
Leave the dough to rest in the bowl for an hour. Take the dough again and start with the spot-welding and folds phase.
Spot and folds
Proceed with the spot-welding and every 20 minutes give a round of stratch & fold folds to your dough. After the last fold, put directly in the fridge.
Leavening and aging in the fridge overnight 15 hours
We cover the bowl with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for about 12 hours. According to the flours you will use, it will have to change the ripening time in the fridge.
The next day … 1 turn of folds and another 8 hours in the fridge
The next day, turn your dough upside down and give it a round of very bland folds and a light pirling. After that, leave to rest for half an hour and make a very mild pre-form. This will serve to give a tone to our dough which is still engaged in a very long maturation and could lose tone and not open well in cooking. Put it back in the fridge and let it mature for another 8 hours.
Dust the baking basket with white flour / semolina or rice flour.
Give shape to your bread when it is still cold.I have tried a new technique, which I have seen, it turns out to give more tone to my dough. I leave you here the video I followed to learn: video forming
Leavening at room temperature (about 3 hours – indicative time)
Cover each basket completely with a dry cloth, after having thoroughly dusted the bread at the top and let it rise. The duration of the second leavening is 3 hours. It really depends on the environment you are in, so based on the temperature you will have to adjust with the “finger rule” to understand when it is ready.
Bake (I cooked in a pot, then pre-heat the pot at least 40 minutes before)
Preheat the oven to 250 ° C for 1 hour.
Pour the dough on parchment paper and using a straight cut razor blade, give a clean cut to the bread.
Bake for 60 minutes: the first 30 minutes with a lid at 250 degrees, the remaining time without a lid at 200 degrees.
Mi piace!
Prossima workshop, quando faremo un pane insieme, mi spiegherai la scelta diversa per l’autolisi e maturazione. 😉💙 annota che io alla mia età mi scordo! 😁
segno tutto cara Erika!
buona serata,