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Ok, I have to admit, the chocolate and puff pastry association is one of my many obsessions related to bread.

This, essentially, is a technique, as I had already mentioned for the Hokkaido bread, well known in Japan and, some time ago, wandering on the web (damn web hahahha) I glimpsed something celestial: a sheet of chocolate rolled in a soft dough rich in butter. I let you imagine what effect those veins of chocolate aroused between the furrows of a soft and fragrant bread have aroused in me.

Could I not be tempted to reproduce with Li.Co.Ii, this sweet puff pastry with chocolate?

Obviously, any filling can be used for this sweet bread. I chose Raw Lion chocolate and I must say that no choice could be more appropriate! I think the next one will be a cream version, but I have to think about it, especially for how to recreate the cream sheet, and then browse. If there is news, however, you will find it here.

As for the component of bread that characterizes this sweet bread, I used the classic Hokkaido Bread, which I had left in a drawer and, look at how much satisfaction it is giving me instead. The recipe for Hokkaido Bread can be found by clicking here: all you need to do is add 30 ml of cream to the dough instead of 30 ml of milk listed in the classic recipe.

This will be used to create the structure of our panna alla panna, which will be used to leaf through a sheet of chocolate, which is the real novelty of this recipe.

So I prepared the chocolate sheet.


I recommend you knead the Hokkaido Bread first and then, during the second forming phase, proceed to prepare the chocolate sheet which must rest in the freezer for 1 hour, before being peeled.

The recipe can be found HERE

Once you have prepared your dough, following the instructions illustrated in the Hokkaido Bread recipe, after the first leavening, you can dedicate yourself to the preparation of the Chocolate sheet to go to browse!

Chocolate sheet

100 g of dark chocolate

20 g of butter

20 g of type 0 flour

100 g of brown sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

30 g of finely chopped almonds




  1. Melt the chocolate and butter separately
  2. In another bowl, mix flour and sugar
  3. Add the melted chocolate to the melted butter and mix
  4. Add the flour and sugar mixture to the melted chocolate and melted butter and only after mixing, add the spoonful of cinnamon and the finely chopped almonds. Let it cool for half an hour.
  5. Put the mixture between two sheets of plastic wrap, roll in a square of 18 cm x 18 cm, freeze for 1 hour or at least until use.
  6. At this point, when the dough of the Hokkaido bread has doubled after the first leavening, we proceed with the peeling and assembly of our sweet bread.


  1. Roll out a thin square of 25x25cm and put the frozen chocolate sheet in the middle
  2. Seal the chocolate sheet, folding the dough flaps on the chocolate sheet and roll out again a rectangle of approximately 18X36 cm. At this point, make a book fold. Refrigerate for 15
  3. minutes.
  4. Proceed with 2 more book folds and between one and the other proceed to refrigerate 15 minutes.
  5. At this point, roll out the dough so that it is longer than wide, cut into 3 strips with one end connected (you can also just cut three strips, as you find yourself more comfortable)
  6. Twist and put in a bread and bread molded well and floured.
  7. Leave to rise until doubled (whether you follow the recipe with mother yeast or the one with lycoli).
  8. When it has doubled, brush the surface with egg yolk mixed with milk, bake in a preheated oven and cook 40 minutes at 175 degrees.

4 commenti

  1. Ciao! Vorrei chiederti se secondo te può influire l’utilizzo dello zucchero di cocco al posto dello zucchero, dal momento che non lo uso mai

    1. Author

      Ciao ,
      mi dispiace ma non è uno zucchero che utilizzo sovente, quindi ti direi una cavolata.
      Però tu puoi provare e farmi sapere 🙂

  2. Buongiorno. Giusto per regolarmi coi tempi di realizzazione totale, quanto tempo ci vuole per l’ultima lievitazione usando lievito madre (range di riferimento, il mio lievito è vivace..). Vorrei riuscire a calcolare quanto tempo ci metto per iniziare a tempo debito. Grazie.

    1. Author

      Ciao Federica ,
      circa dalle 4 alle 6 ore. Ogni lievito madre è a se, ma orientativamente quello è il range di tempo.
      Buona prova 🙂

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