Rye boule

Leggi In Italiano

I must say one thing: I had wanted to make a rye bread for months and I had my usual licoli at my disposal, which I always refresh with a strong type 1 flour. Several times I have tried to manage several licoli at the same time: one of chocolate, one of spelled, one whole. Sometimes in conjunction with a solid mother yeast. Then I realized that it was quite complex to do it, also because, before the advent of the CoronaVirus, Claudiu and I were often away on business and it was complex to keep 2 or 3 together optimally. So I always gave up on the idea of ​​making one of rye. But not this time.

I thought it was the right time, about two weeks ago, to get a rye licole from my licoli .

As many may think, the transition from one licoli to another is easy. This is not true, or at least, it is not entirely true and the time that you will take to transform your licoli into something else, will pay you back for your efforts.

As you know, very often I focus on the fact that our mother yeast, liquid or solid that it is, is living matter. 

As such, it deserves respect, time and care. Just what we need too.

Imagine that you are in an environment that you do not know, at any moment, in a reality that does not belong to you, just as it is happening to us now. We will get used to this change slowly, but how much effort does it cost us?

We need time, to adapt to situations and in the same way, our licenses need it.

For this reason, the creation of this rye licole, totally active and perky and constant over time (precisely doubles in almost 3 hours, at 22 degrees! MANIE DA BAKERS !!!), took about two weeks.

TO GET THE RYLIC LICOLI I moved like this, FOR STEP , (you can also do not do it, if you don’t want to “waste time”, but I don’t assure you the same results that I got and I get):

DAY 1 

Refreshing the licoli with 40 g type 1 flour + 10 g rye flour + 50 g initial licoli (type 1) + 50 g water


Refreshing the licoli with 30 g type 1 flour + 20 g rye flour + 50 g new licoli (the one obtained the day before) + 50 g water


Refreshing the licoli with 10 g type 1 flour + 40 rye flour + 50 g new licoli + 50 g of water

DAY 4 

refreshing the licoli with 50 g rye flour + 50 g new licoli + 50 g water

from DAY 5 onwards

50 g rye rolls + 50 g of water + 50 g of rye flour 

thus proceed at least another week with refreshments, before using it.

Everyone can have a different approach in these cases, I have thus obtained a sweet and fragrant rye lycoli (it seems to have a nutty aftertaste).

Here, we now have our rye licoli available.

We can proceed with the preparation of our RYE BOULE.


Dough characteristics:

hydration 70%

Rising characteristic:

overnight in the fridge for 15 hours


120 g starter of rye licoli + 120 g water + 120 g of rye flour


  • 400 g rye flour
  • 100 g type 1 flour w320
  • 50 g rye rolls
  • 350 g of water
  • 5 g of malt
  • 10 g of salt



Preparation for step

Refreshment of yeast

Mix all the ingredients listed in the liquid yeast composition above in a jar and keep a warm place for about 3 hours at 25-26 ° C.


Add the flours and half of the water and mix for 2 minutes. Using your hands, or a planetary mixer, mix the ingredients until there are no dry residues of flour left. Cover and keep somewhere at room temperature until ready to start the dough, for about an hour. This process will greatly help the stringing of the dough and also the absorption of the water because, rye, being rich in fiber and bran, is a flour that is not easy to manage.

It will also be very important to manage the water differently and add it later, slowly.


Start kneading and after 2 minutes add the ripe yeast (you will notice it because bubbles will form and it will have become double). Slowly, add the remaining water. Add the salt. The salt must be inserted when we begin to see that our dough “pulls”, that is, it starts to string. Stir everything until it comes together in a homogeneous mass, but still full of wrinkles. Then, turn the bowl over on the work surface and proceed with a type of dough called “slap and fold”. Work it like this until it has a smooth and homogeneous appearance and until it detaches completely from the surface. Alternatively, the first few times, you can keep the dough in the bowl and do a series of stretches and folds towards the center, with one hand while you rotate the bowl.Do this for about 12 minutes (it all depends on the strength with which you work the dough, so this is subjective. It is important, for this reason, to be able to “feel” the stringing of the dough). At the end of this process, your dough should be more toned.

It is likely that it will still be slightly damp: it is normal, the rye is very difficult to process, do not be afraid!

Rest and Lamination

Let the dough rest in the bowl for half an hour, after which proceed with the rolling. It will help you understand if you have strung your dough well.

Fold the dough on itself and give a light pirling and place in the bowl and after 45 minutes start the only turn of folds to make.

Fermentation OFF FRIDGE and folds

In this case, we will keep our dough out of the fridge only 45 minutes to give it just a round of creases and then we will put it in the fridge until the following morning. During the fermentation in the bowl, I made 1 series of “stratch & fold” folds, after half an hour.

Pay attention also to the fermentation hours in the fridge. Adjust accordingly according to the start time of the dough.

6. Leavening and refrigeration overnight 15 hours

We cover the bowl with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge overnight at a temperature of about 4 ° C.

7.Division of the dough and pre-molding the next morning Leave
your dough out of the fridge about an hour before, let it acclimatise and when it is at room temperature (approximately) lightly dust the work surface and turn the contents of your bowl upside down. Sprinkle the top of the dough with the flour and, using a tarot, divide the mass in half, if you want two smaller loaves. Dusting the flour on the dough will allow you not to stick the tarot to the dough. Do pirling turns with the tarot, make a very mild preform. Let stand half an hour on the table (or cutting board) covered with a dry cloth.


Sprinkle the baking basket with white flour.

Shape your bread. I have tried a new technique, which I have seen, it turns out to give more tone to my dough. I leave you here the video I followed to learn: video forming

9. Proving at room temperature (about 3 hours – indicative time)
Cover each basket completely with a dry cloth, after having thoroughly dusted the bread at the top and let it rise. The duration of the second leavening is 3 hours. It really depends on the environment you are in, so based on the temperature you will have to adjust with the “finger rule” to understand when it is ready.

10. Bake in the oven (I cooked in a pan, then preheat the pan at least 40 minutes before).
Preheat the oven to 250 ° C for 1 hour. Also heat the cast iron pot.

Pour the dough on parchment paper and using a straight cut razor blade, give a clean cut to the bread.

Place in the cast iron pan, previously heated in the oven at least 40 minutes before baking the bread.

Bake for 60 minutes: the first 30 minutes with a lid at 250 degrees, the remaining time without a lid at 200 degrees.

4 commenti

  1. Ciao una domanda…posso farlo con lievito di birra fresco ? Mi puoi consigliare le dosi e l’autolisi ? Grazie

  2. Cara Lucia
    Un pane meraviglioso.
    Un signore pane.

    Crosta sottile croccante , profumata, gusto di caramello

    Mollica morbida, leggera anche se con alveoli densi e piccolini.

    È piaciuto tantissimo

    Grazie ☺️

  3. ciao ragazzi, ma si potrebbe cmq usare un licoli normale di farina bianca o meglio di segale?

    1. Author

      Si può usare anche quello normale , senza problemi 🙂

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