PANETTONE with liquid sourdough , recipe by MORANDIN

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Yes, guys, here we go!

Here is one of the recipes that I experimented with Claudio and that I would like to recommend, given the surprisingly soft result!

For some years now, as you know, we have dedicated ourselves to the artisanal production of the panettone that we give away and that we eat during the Christmas holidays. I thought it would be nice to propose a variant with liquid sourdough (the one with sourdough will arrive in the next few days! be patient, it takes a whole day to write the panettone recipe!).

Obviously I will not repeat the usual joke I usually do to warn you about leavened products and the use of sourdough, but I want to tell you something so that you do not take paths from which you will not know how to get out.

These are the cases in which, in my humble opinion, you shouldn’t mess around (you risk wasting very expensive and quality ingredients and you risk being disappointed):

– YOU DON’T HAVE A KNEADER: some of you have asked me if it is possible to make a panettone without the planetary mixer. My answer is a categorical NO. I’ll explain better: the panettone requires stringing parameters that must touch perfection, to give life to a good final product. High temperature are very dangerous and the result would be a disaster.

To make my panettone, at the moment, I am using the MyMissBaker mixer by Bernardi Impastatrici, but it does not mean that you can’t also work with a planetary mixer. Obviously the precautions to have are different for the different machines used and the use of a mixer, as I always say, does not solve your life. It makes it easy for you if you have been chewing on these topics for quite some time.

For those who use the planetary mixer, the only dispassionate advice I can give is: COOL EVERYTHING! Bowl, hook, ingredients! All! If you can, also equip yourself with ice lollies to put near the bowl, you will work with more serenity, without overheating the dough!

– YOU DO NOT HAVE A GOOD STRONG LIQUID SOURDOUGH: as I told you, the panettone takes a lot of time and the time I am talking about is not only that of the two days of making the dough but of the week before the dough, which is the week in which you will prepare your sourdough or your liquid sourdough.

– YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED, AT LEAST ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, TO APPROACH SWEET YEASTS: I’m not even there to explain why since you can understand how difficult it is to work with simple brioches or “simple” leavened products. Imagine with a panettone, which requires, at least, the knowledge of the basics. And by bases I mean: when is a dough well strung? when is it not? what does bad stringing entail? when to add butter? when to add other fats? when and how do i add sugar? when did the first dough rise? etc, etc, etc …

All this I say, as always, not to scare you, but to make you aware that making a panettone is not a joke. It is not because at the base there is respect for the raw materials used and having respect means not throwing everything in the dustbin. It’s hard work to be “strict but fair” but someone has to do it, right?!

Having said that, I would say that we can start with the real recipe!

The recipe I followed, with some (personal) changes in the quantity of some ingredients, is that of Morandin.


Doses for 3 panettone: 2 of 750g and one of 500g (depending on how you decide to slice them, of course)

105 g of sugar
100 g of water
155 g of cold egg yolks to divide into two insertions
150 g liquid sourdough*
400 g of strong flour for panettone
150 g of butter

all the first dough
160 g of strong flour
100 water
50 g of sugar
130 g of egg yolks
120 g of butter
8 g of salt
300 g of raisins *


25 g orange honey
grated zest of one orange
1 vanilla bean

* if you also want to add the orange, you can divide the total quantity of candied fruit in half.

* If you want to use sourdough, the doses are: 220 g


The day you start the first dough, start in the morning to make three refreshments in this way:

8.00 am: first refreshment 1: 1 Licoli

12.00: second refreshment 1: 1 Licoli

4.00 pm: third refreshment 1: 1 Licoli

about 8.00 pm: first dough



The same evening when you make the first dough, put the honey, the grated orange zest and the vanilla bean seeds to macerate in a cup. Close with cling film and leave there overnight.


Put the water and sugar in the bowl of the mixer, mixing to form a syrup, add the yolks, add the licoli, the flour and form the gluten mesh
After forming a resistant gluten mesh, insert the second part of the egg yolks and let it absorb, the remaining water and let it absorb, finally the butter forming a resistant gluten.
Collect the dough and place in a graduated jug and let it rise at 28 ° until the dough reaches three and a half times the volume. It will take 12 to 14 hours to monitor.



Allow the first dough to cool for 60 minutes in the fridge, then place in the bowl of a mixer or planetary mixer and add all the flour to form the gluten mesh.
Combine the egg yolks and form a strong mesh
Add the water several times and only when it is well strung …
Add the sugar and only when it is well incorporated into the dough ..
Combine the cold butter, salt and the panettone aroma to form the mesh and conclude with the veil test.
Add the raisins (and candied fruit) until it is well inserted. Collect the dough and place on a pastry board for about 30 minutes.
Cut according to the weight to be formed.
Leave the pieces of dough uncovered for thirty minutes on the surface and then round the dough, insert into the cups and let rise at 28 ° for about 5-7 hours. If you use a tall cup the dough must reach two fingers from the edge. If you use a low mold, the dome must be flush with the edge (I adjust it like this).
When they have reached the size, make a scarp or cross incision
Bake and cook. They will be ready when the core temperature is 94 ° C
For cups of 750 g temperature 170 ° for 50-55 min (always look at the core temperature)

16 commenti

  1. Buongiorno,
    è da anni che preparo il panettone Morandin con grandi risultati ma trovo che abbia un difetto (il mio ovviamente): viene sempre asciutto, le ho provate tutte (forno a vapore, senza vapore, forni diversi, altezze diverse, pirottini diversi, ho cambiato le sospensioni mettendone di più umide, ho provato senza sospensioni, con l’aggiunta di patate, temperatura più bassa, meno tempo di cottura, a coprirlo dopo mezz’ora, mangiato subito, mangiato dopo 10 gg, niente di niente, viene buonissimo come sviluppo e sapore, ma è sempre uguale, cioè secco. Ovviamente mai messo cioccolato perché al cioccolato viene secco perché igroscopico
    Cosa potrebbe essere? La ricetta in sé? La farina Dallagiovanna (mi sembra impossibile…)? Puoi darmi qualche consiglio?
    Grazie mille

  2. Buonasera,
    con queste dosi vorrei fare 2 panettoni da 1 kg…piú o meno quanto dovranno cuocere con questa pezzatura? Altra domanda…nella ricetta non c’é scritto niente rispetto all’infilzarli con lo spillone e metterli a testa in giú a raffreddare…é una procedura che voi non fate?

  3. buona sera , non mi è chiaro se l’acqua nel primo impasto si unisce tutta subito con lo zucchero ecc.. o se invece va messa in due volte come per i tuorli…

    1. Ciao Katia!
      Tutta subito!

  4. Salve chef quindi per i rinfreschi del licoli prendo 200 gr di licoli e li rinfresco per 3 volte con 200 di farina e acqua oppure con 100 e 100 …e poi una volta finiti i rinfreschi lo devo pesare oppure metterlo tutto? Faccio questa domanda perché sono alle prime armi… grazie mille

    1. Ciao Massimo,
      grazie per lo chef ma non siamo chef hahhaha solo grandi appassionati!
      Per i rinfreschi ti direi di rinfrescare sempre 150 g di licoli alla volta, quindi mettendo 150g licoli+150 acqua+150 farina panettone
      La quantità da usare nella ricetta è riportata poi negli ingredienti! Avrai sicuramente del licoli in più che avanzerà!

  5. Se invece dei licoli, usassi PM, oltre a metterne 220g, non dovrei modificare anche quantità di acqua e di farina? In quanto è meno idrata rispetto ai licoli?

    1. Dipende sempre da che farina utilizzi e come assorbe l’acqua, è talmente irrisoria come modifica che nel nostro caso, ad esempio non abbiamo avuto problemi anche lasciando le stesse dosi! 🙂

  6. Ciao, a quanti gradi consigli i 3 rinfreschi del licoli ? 🙂 grazie

    1. Noi li facciamo sempre a 26°C 🙂

  7. Ciao, a quanti gradi consigli i 3 rinfreschi del licoli ? 🙂 grazie

    1. Author

      Noi li facciamo sempre a 26°C 🙂

    2. Ciao, volevo chiedere una cosa se posso, il licoli va usato a metà della suo crescita, oltre la metà, oppure dopo aver affettato il terzo rinfresco inserirlo direttamente nel l’impasto senza aspettare che cresca?

    3. Author

      Ciao , IO personalmente utilizzo il mio licoli sempre quando , dopo il rinfresco, è triplicato! 🙂
      Buona panificazione!

  8. Volevo provare a farlo ma ci ho rinunciato. Non credo di poter gestire la ricetta quest’anno. Proverò con un altro lievitato dolce. Forse un babka è più abbordabile?

  9. Volevo provare a farlo ma ci ho rinunciato. Non credo di poter gestire la ricetta quest’anno. Proverò con un altro lievitato dolce. Forse un babka è più abbordabile?

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